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Gem and Barry are two lonely people who can’t sleep. They spend hours lying awake while every- one else is asleep. They are both stuck in a rut, both of them working dead-end jobs at a call center. Gem can’t seem to l奶茶626事件视频et go of a stifling relationship while Barry can’t let go of a great loss. They explore the city at night and find ways to kill time. Though there’s a certain loneliness when you’re awake in the d猪猪电影ead of night, there’s also a bond that develops. Gem and Barry talk about zombies, love and everything in between. Together the钟汉良的电视剧y fight the loneliness that keeps them awake. In the end, they realize, that even though you cannot cure insomnia, you just need someone to lean on until the sun comes up.