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The plot introduces us to compulsive gambler Sergio, who, despite having promised his partner that he has overcome his accursed addiction, receives a tip-off about a rigged football matc老兵迟来的婚纱照h. Fully intending to get back al怀玉传奇l of the money he has lost recently, he returns to his regular betting shop, intent on winning. Everything seems to be going swimmingly, when suddenly Alejo, another habitual gambler, bursts into the joint with a weapon.
罗德·布莱克赫斯特,Brian McGinn
到底她是冷血谋杀室友的变态狂,还是不幸捲入无尽梦魇的清纯留学生giga女战士?Netflix 原创纪录片《阿曼达·诺克斯》探索一桩恶名昭彰、名列世界各地头条新闻的凶杀桉,导演为罗德·布雷赫斯特 (Rod Blackhurst)(作品《独自》(Here Alone) 荣获翠贝卡电影节观众大奖)和布莱恩·麦金 (Brian McGinn)(作品《主厨的餐桌》(Chef’s Table) 荣获 IDA 奖),製作人为米特·海德 (Mette Heide)(作品《乌龙派出所粤语印度的女儿》(India’s Daughter) 荣获皮博迪奖)。
Lorna Brady is a woman from the small, fictional Irish town of Kilkinure who wakes one morning to find a corpse in her house. Chillingly, Lorna has no idea who the dead woman is, or if she herself might be responsible for the apparent murder. That’s because Lorna has long suffered from extreme bouts of sleepwalking ever since she was ripped from her life at the age of 15 and incarcerated in a convent. There, Lorna gave birth to her daughter Agnes, who was cruelly taken from her and whose fate Lorna has never known. Unluckily for Lorna, Detective Colman Akande is now also on her tail, for a crime seemingly unrelated to the body she has discovered in her house. The ambitious Colman quickly rose through the ranks of the Garda Síochána thanks to his natural aptitude. His scathing wit hides a quiet sadness, and when he meets Lorna, he finds himself forced to confront his own haunting secrets. As Colman searches for a murderer and Lorna searches for her daughter, their paths collide in ways they could never have anticipated. Lorna’s search for Agnes will take her deep into h小说校园全能高手er own past and to the heart of Kilkinure’s darkest secrets, as she and Colman seek the answers they each so desperately need.
After a meteor falls to earth, 8-year-old Hung meets an ali小四郎收藏家en girl from the planet Maika, searching for her lost friend. The alien helps Hung make new friends and heal a broken heart. But danger lurks everywhere.
In a peri幸福的时光pheral and unprecedented Milan, a place frequented by the queer community is in danger of closing due to economic problems. The lives of Luz, Tim, Rose and Zhang, who all circle around the Love Club, touch on a path that will make them face their greatest fears. Will Luz be able to live the story with Roberta without the fear of losing her independence?
In Soo Kim
금아랑과 월녀는 약혼한 사이인데, 마을의 세도가이며 간악한 석탈의 딸 유화가 금아랑을 짝사랑한다. 석탈은 유화를 위해 월녀의 아버지 이마루에게 황금을 주어 월녀와 함께 마을을 떠나 보내고 금아랑은 월녀가 배신한 것으로 알고 유화와 결혼한다. 석탈은 달달이를 보내 이마루와 월녀를 죽이려고 한다. 달달이는 이마루를 죽이고 월녀를 강간하려고 하나 월녀는 몸을 버리느니 차라리 죽자고 백묘못이라는 저주의 늪속에 몸을 던진다. 전설대로 저주받은 백묘의 악령이 월녀의 몸을 빌어 나타난다. 마을에는 백묘의 저주가 내리고 금아랑은 저주받은 악령이 월녀의 몸에 씌었음을 알게 된다.造雨人 琴儿郎和月女订婚了,村子里的世道,村子里的刁难的石塔女儿柔花单恋琴儿郎。石塔尔为了油画,给越女的父亲伊玛鲁黄金,和越女一起送走了村子,金阿郎知道越女背叛了她,就和油画结了婚。石塔尔要通过甜甜蜜蜜的方式杀死伊玛鲁和月女。为了杀死达吉,强奸越女,但越女与其舍身,还不如干脆死了,还不如投身于“百亩池”的诅咒中。就像传说一样,被诅咒的白猫的恶灵在月女身上出现。村里有百亩数的咒诅,金阿郎被咒诅的恶鬼附在月女身上。
Chile's 2009 Academy Awards official submission to Foreign-Language Film category. Santiago de Chile, 1978. In the midst of the tough social context of Pinochets dictatorship, Raúl Peralta, a man in his fifties, is obsessed with the idea of impersonating Tony Manero, John Travoltas character in Saturday Night Fever. Raúl leads a small group of dancers regularly performing at a bar located in the outskirts of the city. Every Saturday evening, he unleashes his passion for the films music by imitating his idol. His dream of being recognized as a successful showbiz star is about to become a rea爱在何方剧情lity when the national television announces a Tony Manero impersonating contest. His urge to reproduce his idols likeness drives him to commit a series of crimes and thefts. In the meantime, his dancing partners, who are involved in underground activities against the regime, are persecuted by the governments secret police. Tony Manero is a story about loss of identity and obsession in the recent Chilean history
Stephen Herek
An unexpected blizzard threatens the Parton family, while 冷山结局at the same time Dolly's father (and his kids) make sacrifices to raise enough money to finally buy his wife the wedding ring he could never afford to give her. Meanwhile, an important person in little Dolly's life begins to see that her amazing voice触不可及下载 and musical gift might just be made for something bigger than rural Tennessee.